Making green eyes sensor activated

I moved in with my mom some weeks ago. During the tour of the house, we where in the basement and I noticed this guy up under the ceiling at the end of the hallway. Look at this thing!

wooden mask guy 1

wooden mask guy 1

– “What the hell is that?”
– “Oh.. That guy.. He hung there when we bought the house..”

I joked that I could make his eyes glow.

Well.. While debugging some electronics the other day, and figured I should make reality of that joke.

I had everything needed :

Stuff needed

My soldering iron was in a box far far away.. Luckily old fashion jumpers and tape will take you far ;)

Low tech solution

Low tech solution

The motion sensor module has a working voltage between 5v and 20v, and a level output voltage at 3.3v. I connected the two LED’s in parallel to the output line. I sat the sensor module to react at the longest possible range, and to hold the lights activated for about 4 or 5 seconds.

It worked out great. Where ever you enter the hall way the lights will turn on. I feel the sensor being a bit too big for this project. But it was nice putting it to work.

Wooden mask guy with motion activated green eyes

Wooden mask guy with motion activated green eyes
